Saturday, January 17, 2015

Comet, Startrails and more =)

The warmer weather feels sooooo nice!  The evening started out in the mid 40's =)

I finally took a stab at getting a photo of Venus and Mercury near each other in early evening sky. The western horizon from our house is rather limited but by golly I got something.  Then I took a series of photos over 1.5 hours to make a star trail pic.

I thought the streaks were so cool in some of these images that I pulled them and made a quick video ~ see below.

Then I turned my attention to Comet Lovejoy.  I'm thinking it is more brilliant than ever!  No stacking... but here are a few pics taken at various times / ISO's through the telescope:

t = 15" 1600 ISO
 t = 30" 3200 ISO
 t = 30" 6400 ISO

Then I piggybacked the camera on the optical tube and took some photos of the comet without the telescope lens:

I took this pair of pictures while I was at it just because I could ;)

Still working at getting better pictures of Jupiter through the scope.  These were just some set-up pictures, but I thought it was striking how doggone bright Jupiter appears in these photos....

The Crab Nebula was nearly at my zenith then, so thought I'd give it another try.  While setting up to photograph - suddenly it seemed like the scope stopped tracking.  I turned it off and recalibrated and it ended up on the OTHERSIDE of the tripod.  Maybe a "meridian flip?"

 t = 10" 3200 ISO
t = 10" 12800 ISO
 t = 30" 12800 ISO

Here's to more clear skies and warmer temperatures!  =)

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