Monday, July 16, 2018

New Atik Horizon Camera =)

I made the leap from a DSLR to a CMOS....  A driving force for expanding in this way is to be able to share with others live images, sometimes called EEA or EAA - Electronically enhanced astronomy or Electronically assisted astronomy.

I'm using the Atik Horizon Camera attached to my 6" Celestron Advanced VX.  I've had to use a 2" extension tube to get it into focus.  There are other tidbits I'll probably mention in later posts, but for now ~ here are a few photos I've taken so far =)

 Globular- M10 (I'm pretty sure....):
 Lagoon Nebula:
 Omega Nebula:
 Trifid Nebula:
 Wild Duck Cluster:

I'm looking forward to "playing around" with this camera more!  I LOVE seeing the images stacked in real-time.  I hope others will enjoy the capture in video mode too ;-)