Friday, June 2, 2017

Taking Clear Skies When I Can Get Them

Tonight the Moon is a bit past first quarter, so I thought I might as well image it =)

So VERY photogenic!

Saturn and its pretty tipped rings <3

Using M92 to play around a bit with my autogider....

I was about ready to pack it up and the scope bumped up against the mount while I was photographing.  I think it's a very striking photo ;-)

Lunar Occultations versus the Clouds!

I seemed to "fight" the clouds for two recent occultations.  Not really sure if I "won" or not =)

Sunday, May 28; Lunar Occultation of 74 Gem.  These were taken through my 6" refractor.

Amidst the clouds I thought the Moon's looked pretty cool too.  Here's a closer look.

Then on Wednesday, May 31 I tried again to capture the Moon passing in front of 47 Leo.  It was so cloudy I decided not to take the time / energy to set up my scope, so here's what I captured using my camera on my Polarie.

Miscellaneous Pics and Videos....

School's finally out for summer and I'm enjoying a bit more "scope time" ~ in particular getting used to my new FeatherTouch focuser <3

I had never ever thought about imaging Polaris, but it's a double.... how fun!

Jupiter and it's moons

M51 (Again =)