Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Moon, Planets, and Globulars

I took advantage of clear skies, the lunar phase, and position of planets and snagged a few photos Thursday night =)

Here's my Moon video ;)  It's a bit long.... but I enjoyed making it:

A mash-up video of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn:

The Moon at various exposures...

M80 (above)
M107 (right)
M10 (below)

M12 (right)
M13 (below)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jupiter in Leo =)

On Friday as public viewing at the Witte Observatory Complex was winding down, I set up my Polarie and took a few shots of Jupiter passing through Leo :-)

Can you pick out the major stars of the Constellation Leo?  (Jupiter is in the center of the photo below.)

Etna Aquarid Meteor Shower 2016

I set up my Polarie in our yeard on the morning of May 6 with the hopes of catching a few meteors on film.  I settled on 25 second exposures ISO-1600 and shot photos from 3:40 to 5:30 A.M.  I was pleased how well Polarie tracked.  It looks like I caught maybe a couple of meteors =)

I used Movie Maker to put the photos together....

Random Polarie Pics =)

From our new house we have a pretty good view of the southeast horizon which happens to be the general location of the May Etna Aquarid Meteor shower.  The night before I set up my Polarie to both check out how dark the skies are and remind myself how to use it.

Here are some relatively random pics from our new house:

First Light at our New Location in town

It seems I've been a bit pre-occupied for the past several months as we shopped for and then purchased a new home just down the road from our old home in town.  Here, finally, is what the Moon looks like photographed from our new deck on April 11 :-)

I felt REALLY rusty taking these photos.... but I think I'll get the hang of it back again ;)